Novatel from San Antonio 2102490540 / +12102490540

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Novatel more...
Ratings: 47
Search requests: 132426
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (11/4/16, 7:16 PM)

Jim Wojdylak Sr. wrote: Ca!ler with. Iddle east accent claims they are from the govt. and I've been selected to receive a $7... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: San Antonio - USA, Canada
Telephone number: 210249-0540
Phone number +12102490540 from San Antonio tagged as Harassment calls 21 times.

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tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls. Thousands of people are harassed by phone every day and tellows has been offering a platform for exchange and help since 2010.

tellows score for +12102490540

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
21 reports
15 reports
4 reports
Cost trap
3 reports
Aggressive advertising
2 reports
Survey (1) Trustworthy number (1)
Caller Name:
25 reports
6 reports
2 reports
2 reports
U.S. Government
1 reports
N/A (1) Pakistan Scam (1) Scam (1) Texas (1) 'grandson' (1)
jennifer (1) NOVATEL (1) Nancy/ novatel (1) john mathew etc. (1) OWL SOLUTIONS (1) Male/Female (1)
Phone number +12102490540 from San Antonio tagged as Harassment calls 21 times: this is a dangerous computer scam tellin... 132426 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 2102490540?

  1. 5

    xxl reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    4/12/14, 5:55 AM

    this is a dangerous computer scam telling you, you have a fault on your pc they will then attempt to access your pc with your help, keep well away from them I just said I had a mac after letting them waste some time on me

  2. 0

    Jim Wojdylak Sr. reported number ‎2102490540 as U.S. Government

    11/4/16, 7:16 PM

    Ca!ler with. Iddle east accent claims they are from the govt. and I've been selected to receive a $7000 grant. I could hear the other telemarketers in the background. But without hearing the call center I know the govt. doesn't hand out grants by lottery.

  3. 0

    Concerned Person reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Telemarketer

    8/2/16, 3:53 PM


  4. 0

    Eliot reported N/A with the number ‎+12102490540 as Cost trap

    7/22/16, 6:16 PM

    Called to say it's about federal grants. Hard to understand. It didn't add up, so I hung up.

  5. 0

    vidis reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Cost trap

    7/11/16, 12:57 PM

    Interactive recording preying on vulnerable people with a credit card. Free trip to Disney World but need card number.

  6. 0

    Jenny reported number ‎+12102490540 as unknown

    5/12/16, 1:33 PM

    James from Microsoft Windows telling us to log into our computer, my son asked him what he was wearing and I yelled out Kahakis, lol
    James also called me a "stewpeed beech" when I told him to get a real job and stop scamming people.

  7. 0

    Rocky Raccoon reported Pakistan Scam with the number ‎+12102490540 as Cost trap

    4/20/16, 5:26 PM

    Some girl from Pakistan told me I have a virus on my computer. Asked the girl what color panties was she wearing and she rudely hung up on me.
    Same number called next day. This time a man said he needed my credit card number to verify my roof inspection that I requested. He didn't know the name of the roofing company. I just hung up.

  8. 0

    In Mass reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    4/16/16, 8:32 AM

    Obviously a scam to get info off your computer. I waste their time by pretending to be thankful that they are going to help. I ask them random stupid questions, then when I'm told to turn on my computer, I tell them "oh, yes right away. Thank you." I put the phone down and walk away and come back every 5 minutes or so and tell them it's almost ready. At least I wasted 10 minutes of their time and had a minute or so fun in the process

  9. 0

    Cynic reported Novatel with the number ‎+12102490540 as Telemarketer

    4/7/16, 1:37 PM

    Did some checking and Novatel Wireless knows that this company is using their name. Their advice is that this caller is a scam.

  10. 0

    Beck reported Scam with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    3/29/16, 3:46 PM

    I just got this call and it was a man with a heavy accent who answered. He said "Your number has been randomly selected to receive $7000 from the U.S. Government."

    Yeah, because the government gives away money like that. I responded with a "Yeah. Sure." And hung up.

    Don't trust these people.

  11. 0

    noname reported number ‎2102490540 as unknown

    3/9/16, 2:49 PM

    I received a call from this number this morning and the person said that his father was a contractor in my area. When I said "and you're calling me from Texas" (I live in California) he said "What, no I'm not. Oh, we've been having trouble with Time Warner and we're trying to get it fixed". Yeah right.

  12. 0

    Swg reported number ‎2102490540 as 2102490540

    2/10/16, 3:07 PM

    Says they could see that I was having problems with Windows 10. I laughed at the, called them scammers, and told them I don't use a computer. Total losers, do NOT believe this scam

  13. 0

    Swg reported number ‎2102490540 as 2102490540

    2/10/16, 3:06 PM

    Says they could see that I was having problems with Windows 10. I laughed at the, called them scammers, and told them I don't use a computer. Total losers, do NOT believe this scam

  14. 0

    lulu reported Texas with the number ‎2102490540 as Telemarketer

    1/16/16, 2:19 PM

    selling Solar heat

  15. 0

    Daniel reported unknown with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    12/1/15, 5:58 PM

    This number is a tried and true computer scam. Do not listen to them and do not give them information.

  16. 0

    Lady reported unknown with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/13/15, 3:47 PM

    SCAM! Pretending to be Bank of America. Told me my account was locked. It was not

  17. 0

    Jian reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/13/15, 2:41 PM

    They said they are from Bank Of America. Don't trust them!

  18. 0

    Ianna reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/9/15, 11:54 AM

    Jason called, saying there were some critical warning signs on your computer. I could hardly understand him, and there was a lot of noise in the background. I suggested he call back and he never did.

  19. 0

    Jackie reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/9/15, 3:02 AM

    A man with a thick accents told me that they were getting sent information from my windows computer. I do not own a windows computer. They said the computer belonged to someone other than myself. I told them that was my partner, and this was not his phone number. I asked if he understood that I do not live in the USA, and he was calling an international number. He asked if we were married, and I told him no. I then told him to remove my number from their list, because we both live in Sweden, not the USA. He asked if we lived together, I said yes. I hung up after he said "Your voice is very nice". Very creepy and extremely inappropriate.

  20. 0

    nofreebread reported 'grandson' with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/2/15, 2:21 PM

    Called me grandma... Said "Hello grandma" was expecting me to call him by name. I did not. wanted money... told him I did not have any grandchildren.

  21. 0

    henry reported number ‎+12102490540 as novatel

    9/16/15, 1:05 PM

    called but no message. I do not pick up these annoying calls. why can't police put a stop to this???

  22. 0

    Valerie reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    8/18/15, 4:38 PM

    This guy calls alot with the same PC scam. I cut him off right from the start and gave him his speech back and told him I was not falling for his shit. He then told me several times "I am not shit. I am not shit" it was funny just to hear him say it. Then I hung up.

  23. 0

    Alex reported unknown with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    8/18/15, 4:36 PM

    This number calls alot. It is the same scam trying to gain access to our PC and when I told the guy he was idiot and did not know what he was talking about (as I am in networking and know what he was attempting to do) he proceeded to call me a dumb John Wayne American and said he was going to rape my wife and kids. classy. These people are trying to set viruses on your PC so you will have to pay them to 'remove' them. Don't fall for it

  24. 0

    Lyn reported unknown with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    7/14/15, 8:55 AM

    Had a call from this number on my business number they told me they work for Microsoft and that I had issues with my computer when I started asking them how they said it was reported - I then asked for the computer ID etc and how they have accessed my computer they got very flustered, I then said to them that none of our PC's had errors and could they tell me which computer as I had 20 computers on site at this point they put the phone down - I suggest you play them along and start asking awkward questions - don't though give them access as obviously they want all your personal info off you computer and want to log on to it remotely

  25. 0

    Teelady reported number ‎2102490540 as unknown

    7/1/15, 5:39 PM

    This number 2102490540 left aessage from my husband and said they are trying to call him and to return they call. Little did they know that I know it hey are calling from San Antonio, TX.

  26. 0

    Anne reported number ‎2102490540 as Novatel

    6/5/15, 6:55 PM

    They called while I was out, so I entered phone # in Google and got this site.

    I've been receiving a lot of calls like this in the last year, some of them keep calling back so I looked at my phone manual and found out how to block specified numbers.

    Now whenever I get a call like that I just go in and put it on my blocked list. If your phone doesn't have this feature, it would be worth investing in one that does.

  27. 0

    colinfbird reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    5/19/15, 12:09 PM

    This caller is in SAN ANTONIO U.S.A.

  28. 0

    Legna reported number ‎2102490540 as jennifer

    4/22/15, 2:44 PM

    This number called stating they were from Microsoft and there was a virus on my computer. SCAM!!!

  29. 0

    Mahatma reported number ‎2102490540 as unknown

    3/27/15, 3:03 PM

    called twice today. Did not leave message.

  30. 0

    Suzanne reported Novatel with the number ‎2102490540 as Aggressive advertising

    3/26/15, 1:16 PM

    They called and said that they wanted to offer a free 2015 QuickBooks Upgrade was asking all kidns of questions. I knew it was a scammer so I was just wasting his time. I kept saying I just do not understand how you can offer a free upgrade and he said ma'am we do that because we also would like for you to use our credit card processing with QuickBooks at no monthly charge - just the processing fee (probably all funds straight into their bank HAHA)I kept asking silly questions burning his time then said I was not interested. He got so mad said he would kill me. I hung up he called back and said thanks for wasting my time now I will kill you for it. THESE PEOPLE!

  31. 0

    Don't callback reported NOVATEL with the number ‎2102490540 as Telemarketer

    3/7/15, 2:13 PM

    They have called numerous times. I answered today and the woman said she was in Washington, D.C.. She informed me the federal government was going to give me 9,000 dollars. I informed her that I was not interested in her scam and hung up the phone.

  32. 0

    Diane reported number ‎+12102490540 as Nancy/ novatel

    2/25/15, 1:37 PM

    Nancy from Novatel called saying that she was from the windows tech dept. Claiming that I needed to log into the computer with them because of suspicious Mal ware. They dais that if I didn't do it now the computer would crash within 24hrs. I said that I was busy and asked for her number. She gave me 567-244-4130 bit that is not the number she was calling from. She was very persistent and I just told her I'll call her back and I hung up. Please be careful with this one. She also had a heavy accent.

  33. 0

    Pat reported john mathew etc. with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    12/12/14, 8:32 AM

    At least once a day a get a call from a thick accented person giving me different names. They become abusive when I refuse to allow them into my computer system. Last night he threatened to call me over and over until I let him fix my computer.

  34. 0

    linda reported number ‎+12102490540 as Novatel

    12/10/14, 2:30 PM

    the caller said that there was a problem with Norton antivirus and he wanted me to go to a website so he can fix it. Fortunately I knew this was a scam and I hung up

  35. 0

    JAY reported OWL SOLUTIONS with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    11/28/14, 5:31 AM

    Had a call from this number at 9pm last night regarding my PPI. I wanted to know who was harassing me at that time of night so agreed to be contacted.

    Received a call from Owl Solutions in Wigan this morning and explained I wasn't interested and to remove my number.

    I presume they buy these leads so they can prey on those who are struggling financially.

    I really wish something would be done to stop companies like this from operating.

    Shame on you OWL SOLUTIONS (WIGAN)

    Caller: Owl Solutions (WIGAN)

  36. 0

    Sushmi reported Novatel with the number ‎+12102490540 as Survey

    11/6/14, 9:49 AM

    Survey and sweepstakes for a cruise to bahamas.

  37. 0

    Bob reported novatel with the number ‎+12102490540 as Aggressive advertising

    10/9/14, 3:52 PM

    It's a scam! They keep calling claiming it's in response to error messages you are sending to windows. Then they ask for access to your computer. Good luck if you open up!

  38. 0

    Sene reported Novatel with the number ‎+12102490540 as Harassment calls

    9/25/14, 6:49 PM

    Someone with a thick accent said we had a Windows computer that had viruses and malware, Gave a name of someone I know but that doesn't live here and told me I was a liar when I said no one with that name lived here, I went off on him for calling me a liar and he told me my computer license would be revoked I said ok and hung up.

  39. 0

    ksun reported unknown with the number ‎2102490540 as Harassment calls

    9/8/14, 2:53 PM

    Computer scam, He got me to run eventvwr but luckily on my work laptop, I don't have admin rights, so that didn't work. I knew this was a scam, just went along to find out what they were intending to do, but didn't get far, because of admin rights issue. He politely said that he must have got the wrong number , ha ha ha, and asked if I was from Spain. I said it really didn't matter to him, now that he really can't "offer any microsoft technical support"

  40. 0

    avast reported number ‎+12102490540 as unknown

    8/26/14, 12:32 PM

    The reason I have chosen 9 as untrustworthy in my ratings is because reading other comments.

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Possible ways of writing the number 2102490540
‎0111/210 249 0540
‎(0111) (210) 249-0540