• This number was often allocated to CDC. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to CDC at the end of the page.

CDC from Chicago 3125787015 / +13125787015

Types of call: Survey
Caller Name: CDC more...
Ratings: 44
Search requests: 30338
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (9/1/20, 7:25 AM)

FTC DNC Spamlist wrote: Call related to Warranties & protection plans received in Milford, Connecticut. Calling with recorde... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Chicago - USA, Canada
Telephone number: 312578-7015
Phone number +13125787015 from Chicago tagged as Survey 19 times.

Further Information: Find out
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Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 6572950476 4068519841 6245 4097614054 8882045848
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +13125787015

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
19 reports
9 reports
Harassment calls
5 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
1 reports
Caller Name:
16 reports
5 reports
Trust but Verify but not in this case......
2 reports
Center for Disease Control (USA GOV), through Univ
1 reports
Warranty fraud
1 reports
Said CDC (1) : NORC U CHICAGO (13125787017) (1) Survey (1) Chicago, IL (1) Cynthia Green of NORC (1)
Health Department (1) ?? (1) 312-578-7015 (1) cdc (1) NORCUCHICAGO (1)
Phone number +13125787015 from Chicago tagged as Survey 19 times: they told me they were the center for di... 30338 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 3125787015?

  1. 16

    milli reported number ‎3125787015 as unknown

    11/8/13, 5:37 AM

    they told me they were the center for disease control and prevention. wanted me to take part in their study about child immunization. told them i called back. dont whether they are scammers. what should i do?

    they called me too replied 4/4/14, 6:31 PM
    Same info, I asked to mark the number as a business line and never call again. Supposedly my number was chosen from a random number pool

  2. 4

    Investigator Dawn Loves Life reported Center for Disease Control (USA GOV), through Univ with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    10/1/14, 7:57 PM

    This number 312-578-7015 is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Survey. University of Chicago is doing this study as a research program for CDC.
    UNDERSTAND You Do Not have to do the Survey......or if you choose to do so,
    You Do Not Have to Answer Specific Questions that you prefer not to answer. They verify everything by repeating your answer to be sure it is what you are saying before they input it.

    I had an unknown number call. I just do not waste my time normally with unknowns any more. If I get an unknown, often I will look the number up like I did and found this page. I then research more. With this one, I returned the call and they explained who they were, what they were doing. They mentioned that the call may be recorded and that the phone numbers are randomly selected. The representative I talked to was very professional and polite in every way.

    It is a beneficial study for them to determine the need especially for small children up to age 4 years old even or less and their immunizations needs: Specifically by the survey questions the influenza immunizations; how many in a particular time period they have received, and which one(s) they received, injection or inhaled one. They do ask if there are others 18 or older and how many in household. They ask where the child received the immunizations.(doctor, health department, pharmacy, etc) They speak about WIC and if anyone is receiving it in the home. They ask your Birthday and you can give month and day or month, day, and year. They ask an estimate of the annual income. They ask for you zip code (which to me if you choose to do the survey is very important-for privacy only give the first 5 digits [the last 4 tells your home's full address]) They ask how many cell phones are used and how many are used of those with persons 18 years and older. They ask ethnicity and which particular one(s) you would prefer if there is one of mixed ethnic background. The also would like for you to give your physicians' name(s).

    At the end they will give you the site to check out about the ongoing survey and more information (Note: I had already researched and found the website and information of this survey before I returned the call when I searched the phone number) The website is www.cdc.gov/nis
    They will ask you after you take down the website if they could have permission to contact you after you have viewed the website. If you say no, that is it. If you say yes, they will try to verify the best time to call you back which is usually about a week later or sooner if you give them a time and day.

    UNDERSTAND the person they call does not get paid by what i understand since nothing of such was mentioned.

    They are trying to do this to see what areas need more areas providing the needs of the children in regards to the immunizations especially for the younger children. They are trying to help to prevent more preventable illnesses and fatalities especially in young children.

    Prayers for all
    God Bless

    PS Just in case you ask....I do not work for CDC or the University of Chicago. I am just one of those random USA citizens that prayerfully will make a difference for the positive lives of our USA citizens as a whole. Don't forget to Vote. :)

    Huh? replied 10/7/14, 2:18 AM
    Then why are they calling me in the UK? How did they get my number?
    Jorge Torres replied 6/29/15, 9:17 PM
    Give me a break!
    Teri replied 2/1/16, 11:24 PM
    Having worked for the Government for 30 years we never called to do a survey. This is unprofessional especially to call someone who has been unable to have children about childhood immunization programs.
    victim of NORCU FAKE CALLS replied 4/29/17, 11:50 AM
    I worked in the medical field this is so illegal to call and also your site is fake and why would the cdc use the university to make these harassing calls,in another state,?yea I don't live in Chicago,the cdc calls when you have a disease that you may spread like these fake surveys,ive saw this number reported before,and,they were calling kids whom picked up phone and the caller ask the child if they were pretty thats so sick of the cdc to do,this is NOT legit site nor are these calls that are harassing people,this number NORCU CHICAGO 3125787017 could be porn and I have reported this number and numbers they use numerous times,also have wrote letters to the ways and means commission,these calls are harassment and fake,and especially when your calling another state get you facts together cdc does not call and do surveys its illiegal
    yoooo replied 3/30/18, 9:13 PM
    I received a phone call from them as well. It was all sketchy. BTW, the lady on the other line said that "it's very lucrative" out of nowhere. Total scam, don't answer their questions and tell them not call you again.

  3. 1

    NODAK reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    7/3/14, 9:48 PM

    This is the university of Chicago doing research for the CDC. The questions seem to never end. They start with simple non-person specific questions but soon they will want to know everything including access to health records. I which I had just blocked their calls. Their site is www.cdc.gov/nchs/nis

  4. 0

    Investigator FTC DNC Spamlist reported Warranty fraud with the number ‎+13125787015 as Cost trap

    9/1/20, 7:25 AM via FTC Callerlist

    Call related to Warranties & protection plans received in Milford, Connecticut. Calling with recorded message (robocalls)

  5. 0

    Theresa Rodriguez reported number ‎+13125787015 as Said CDC

    3/6/18, 5:50 PM

    CDC does not call random people. The scammers ask if u are over 18 to get u to say yes. If u do not know 100% who is calling hang up.

  6. 0

    Childless reported : NORC U CHICAGO (13125787017) with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    5/24/17, 9:21 PM

    Thanks for reminding me I'm getting old, and childless! I've not been blessed yet and time is running out!
    Please torture someone else!

  7. 0

    Suzi110 reported unknown with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    3/18/16, 2:13 AM

    Called at 1:04 in the morning, I did not answer and blocked the number.

  8. 0

    silentchem reported unknown with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    3/16/16, 10:48 AM

    Called about a CDC survey for child immunizations. I refused to participate in the survey and after asking me several questions, which I refused to answer they hung up. I have blocked this number.

  9. 0

    Investigator WHW reported Survey with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    3/10/16, 11:55 PM

    I chose untrustworthy because some posts are 2013. A survey three years running?

  10. 0

    BTM reported CDC with the number ‎3125787015 as Harassment calls

    11/4/15, 3:07 AM

    Called at 9:52PM. Who calls at that time?

  11. 0

    Kai reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    11/2/15, 5:39 PM

    One, do not call at dinner time. Two, none of CDC business. Three, i don't answer phone # I do not know. Check Chicago for Disease. Plenty of them there.

  12. 0

    Karen reported Chicago, IL with the number ‎3125787015 as Telemarketer

    10/23/15, 8:14 PM

    My husband kept getting these phone calls on his cell phone from Chicago, IL all of the time. Many times he was unable to answer because he was at work but he needs his phone on him due to employees needing to get a hold of him or sending messages regarding work.

    This was one of the numbers that kept showing up and I just picked it up because it just rang, AGAIN. First off, these callers don't know who they are calling. I asked if I could help the caller, she went into her spiel, I stopped her and asked her whom she was trying to reach? Then she demanded to know if she was calling a business or a residence. I asked her why she didn't know who she was calling, she explained that the computer just picks the numbers then started with a demand of who I was. I told her, we don't do business with people who don't even know who the heck they are calling so she hung up.

    If this is even a legitimate, they lack professionalism and they certainly won't get any response with acting like idiots either. You don't call us up then demand from us if we are a business or a residence then start demanding who we are because you have no idea who the heck you are calling.

    Good luck with trying to convince people that these calls are legitimate when you have rude idiots working for you.

  13. 0

    Possible Payday? reported Cynthia Green of NORC with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    10/15/15, 7:17 PM

    This number continues to call, even though I've said to be placed on their do not call list. I didn't answer, but then called back and received a nice lady to whom I again made this request. I informed her (after getting her name and verified the organization from the University of Chicago) that I have this number in my display of numbers that have called, and that my next call will be to my lawyer and her organization will see us in court. She assured me my number will be immediately struck from their list. Hmm, is it possible that I'll have a nice chunk of change coming?

  14. 0

    John galt reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    9/24/15, 9:55 AM

    It's the "gummint" wanting you to give them more info on your private life...I know most of you will have no problem with that...and this may be a 100% legitimate survey....but the fact that many of you put every dirty little detail of your lives on CIA-book for all to see and collect is quite disconcerting. It may not bother you or be a problem now, but the fact that we have allowed a turn-key totalitarian state to be built up around us for the last 30+ years should be.

    In many of our lifetimes...this leviathan government we have allowed to be created will end up being the destroyer of personal freedom and the prosperity that this nation formerly was the standard bearer of.

    History is full of such takeovers / fascist-shifts....and if you think we, as a nation are an exception (or exceptional).....you may be in for a shocker if / when things ever start to unravel (and they can do so very quickly in a complex system such as ours)

    The point in this rambling is....protect your privacy, appreciate the true meaning of liberty and defend BOTH as you would your own life....because without either....you can forget about determining your own security, prosperity or happiness....because all of these will then be dictated and controlled by your new, corporate / gov't masters.

    ; )

  15. 0

    Jorge Torres reported Health Department with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    6/29/15, 9:00 PM

    Very shady. I was afraid it was an attempt to stela my identity

  16. 0

    Ralph reported CDC with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    5/11/15, 4:26 PM

    Why the hell would any U.S. - based survey be trying to conduct legitamate surveys on Mother's Day SUNDAY? I blocked these idiots.

  17. 0

    Too late 2 matter reported number ‎+13125787015 as Trust but Verify but not in this case......

    3/23/15, 1:05 PM

    As many state above, the best policy is NOT to answer incoming phone calls from numbers that do not look familiar. Too, the phone banks in Chicago do not play out well in the
    Arizona time zone where this state is never on Daylight Savings Time. NEVER. I don't give suspicious numbers the oppty to even leave a "got-cha" message, as I hang up their incoming call!

  18. 0

    Too late 2 matter reported number ‎+13125787015 as Trust but Verify but not in this case......

    3/23/15, 1:04 PM

    As many state above, the best policy is NOT to answer incoming phone calls from numbers that do not look familiar. Too, the phone banks in Chicago do not play out well in the
    Arizona time zone where this state is never on Daylight Savings Time. NEVER. I don't give suspicious numbers the oppty to even leave a "got-cha" message, as I hang up their incoming call!

  19. 0

    emma reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    3/20/15, 6:45 PM

    Called 3 times and always around 6 pm EST. I answered the first time -- they said they were the CDC doing a Survey about vaccinations.

  20. 0

    mommyof3 reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    2/26/15, 7:44 PM

    I was very hesitant at first especially in a day an age of tons of identity theft. I did my research and then did choose to continue the survey. It is lengthy and I did get two different calls on two different occasions...but there was a monetary reward in the end! I felt comfortable after verifying the legitimacy of the organization otherwise no amount of money would have been worth it. You can stop at any time during the call or you can continue by giving some basic personal information. The information included where my child was vaccinated and my child's birthdate. In the end, just remember this is for a legitimate reason and for gosh sakes this is a human being on the other end of the line just trying to make a living, don't be rude!

  21. 0

    concernedcitizen reported number ‎+13125787015 as unknown

    2/23/15, 1:00 AM

    Got a call today, 22 Feb 2015, regarding the supposedly CDC call. The caller had an accent. Suggest someone look into this.

  22. 0

    frederickpkapps reported unknown with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    2/16/15, 3:37 PM

    Got a call in about a month ago from that number on my cell. They said it they were calling for CDC. The survey was about concerns of receiving radiation from cell phone use. They said my number was chose at random and ask me if I was currently driving. I said yes and they ask if they should call me back. I said yes and hung up. They tried calling back they next day and I didn't answer. After a few more calls from them every other day, which I didn't answer, I had my cell phone block that number. They tried about 5 more times, the last being a few weeks ago. I hadn't heard from them since. So I guess they gave up.

  23. 0

    Investigator Lilly reported CDC with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    1/28/15, 7:33 PM

    Federal Agencies do not randomly call citizens. There would be a press release, ads, etc. Mailings are more like it. I asked them point blank if she was "The Center for Disease Control dot gov." She insisted she was. I am registered with the CDC website already and told her I would find the survey on my own if there is one. Ended call and asked them not to call again.

  24. 0

    Calls My Num in UK reported number ‎3125787015 as unknown

    10/7/14, 2:17 AM

    They won't stop calling me, and I live in the UK. I don't ever answer as it will be costly charges to answer a call from the US to my UK number. I have blocked them on my phone now.

  25. 0

    bjba reported ?? with the number ‎+13125787015 as Harassment calls

    9/7/14, 10:32 PM

    I have never answered they only leave blank voice mess. with a ringtone, or hang up. Right off the bat I didn't trust the number they call every hour every day 6 am pacific time which would be what 4 am in the morning in chicago they just called me on a sunday which I was under the impression they could not call on a sunday, either way what type of business would be open to call somebody at 4 am or 9:30 at night their time. I highly doubt the CDC would do a survey in this manner with all the scams out there they should know better, they the govt. tells u not to give up info and to be safe with all your info and then opens a program to call people bull. The cdc pulls immunization information from a national registrar that every doctors office is linked to, I've seen it, the nurse at my daughters school can log onto it and pull all of the records with times and dates, and the doctor's information whom administered it as well. It makes absolutely no since why they would need me to tell them what they already have!

    Gmaj replied 6/29/15, 1:29 PM
    6am pacific is 8am central

  26. 0

    Investigator LisåP reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Harassment calls

    8/22/14, 10:05 AM

    My husband answered and wanted me to come to the phone because he didn't know what vaccinations our kids had. I couldn't come to the phone at the time. When I asked him what that was all about he said that they were with the CDC. Sounds very sketchy.

    Too late 2 matter replied 3/23/15, 12:48 PM
    It is sad that what seems an innocuous phone call can actually be an information-gathering Easter egg hunt on one's private life. How many cell phones or kids or cars or toilets I own or use is none of anybody's business. The greater fear is that the private information they cull from you will probably end up in a marketing data base that is public information. Best thing to do is simply NOT to answer these calls with area codes unknown to you.

  27. 0

    Courtney reported unknown with the number ‎+13125787015 as Harassment calls

    8/4/14, 6:35 PM

    They called me multiple times, all of which I missed. I finally picked up and they said something about survey for disease control. I told them I was a minor and uninterested, and the woman on the other end continued to try to persuade me into participating until I finally hung up. They called again and I answered and asked to be removed from this call list. This person agreed and hang up. Since then, I've gotten at least 2 calls from them everyday.

  28. 0

    Leave me alone reported number ‎+13125787015 as 312-578-7015

    7/28/14, 5:26 PM

    Go away you dickheads.

  29. 0

    BusyIowan reported number ‎+13125787015 as unknown

    7/15/14, 10:37 AM

    I got the first call from this number 2 days after I renewed my driver's license online, not sure if this is coincidence or not. I am always suspicious of unknown numbers who do not leave a message. I do not have children, so I don't know why the CDC (if that is who this is) would be contacting me about children's immunizations).

  30. 0

    Investigator msmot reported cdc with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    6/23/14, 9:21 PM

    after numerous calls at all times of the day, they finally left a message saying they were from the cdc and were conducting a survey about child immunizations.......I don't trust them!

  31. 0

    BLOCKED reported NORCUCHICAGO with the number ‎3125787015 as Harassment calls

    5/13/14, 5:54 PM


  32. 0

    Monica D reported unknown with the number ‎3125787015 as Survey

    5/9/14, 9:17 PM

    Not sure how they got my number as it's my cell number and I don't give it out. They call me all hours of the day and night. I looked up the number and its a Chicago, Ill number. Different time zone than me, so can't imagine someone is "working" at the hours of the night that they call me. Never leave a message though. I got tired of the phone ringing and blocked them

  33. 0

    jeff reported number ‎+13125787015 as unknown

    4/2/14, 7:19 PM

    oh wow man, see this


    did not answer caller, call did not go to voicemail either so no message; my phone is programmed to who for calling so I do not answer callers unknown, if they do not leave message oh well you'll never get a call from me

  34. 0

    Investigator harbour reported CDC with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    1/14/14, 11:41 AM

    this caller looks very suspicious to me! where did they get these information about me and my children? i think we shouldnt trust them even if they pretend to be a gvt agency

    CRStardust replied 3/7/14, 2:29 PM
    Who is behind this telephone number? We've had repeated calls from them, and upon our telephone ringing at all hours, I simply hang up on them....Surveys are a total pain in the 'arse...more of an intrusion.....I wish they'd get the hell lost. Just another nuisance phone call. PS..we're on the national "do not call" list.

  35. -5

    1Mad Cow reported CDC with the number ‎+13125787015 as Survey

    10/23/14, 11:23 PM

    Got a call on my cell phone from 312-578-7015. As usual, I don't answer unfamiliar numbers, and since they didn't leave a message, I researched the number. Simple fix on a cell phone, just blocked the number and no more CDC. With the past and recent CDC blunders it's ironic that they want us to mindlessly divulge our personal information when they can't even tell us the truth about the origins and contents of weaponized pathogens and immunizations that can harm and kill us, or give us sound and truthful advice on how to protect ourselves. A potential pandemic is a great way to disrupt mid-term elections and to further institute a medical tyranny where they can make better use of those FEMA camps "Relocation Centers." I guess they were waiting for the right time. I'm sure not everyone who works at the CDC is a mad scientist, genetically combining Ebola and Rabies for an effective biological weapon akin to the zombies portrayed in popular TV shows, movies, and major city-wide Zombie outbreak exercises (Dallas anyone), or influenza with Ebola for vaccinations in Africans before the outbreak.

    All it takes is a little research, CDC sponsored syphilis experiments (Tuskegee), sterilization efforts via immunizations and other eugenics-based agenda driven experiments on our civilian population, military men and women, and international victims which in turn makes $Trillions for Big Pharma and any other medical-based corporate entity has been going on since before a CDC was created. The perfect Problem-Reaction-Solution in play, and a CDC survey from helpless blind sheep just helps them along. So go ahead and do the survey so you can give them an inside on how they can soft-kill you more effectively. Alarmist? Maybe a little because when the CDC and the government in general bold-face lies to you, it's kind of hard to keep your cool. No one has to believe me (I hope no one does), just go out and do your own research and stop relying on (and mindlessly believing in) corporately controlled media outlets for your information. I know it's easy for someone to tell you what to believe, but the hope is that you will not utilize what your God has given you, a mind to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Everyone, if you are still sleeping, then wake up and please be safe. For those of you who are already awake, keep up the good fight, I'm with you. This is the part when we do what we can to help each other.

    Screw their survey, the heads of the CDC can go to Hell!

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "CDC"
Possible ways of writing the number 3125787015
‎0111/312 578 7015
‎(0111) (312) 578-7015