
4242519332 / +14242519332

Contact data

Telephone number: 4242519332
Owner and address:
2700 Pacific Coast Hwy 90505 Torrance
City: Torrance - USA
more details: Website
This info is supplied without liability.


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Citi Bank

Citi is a financial services company, which offers a range of financial products and services, including Citi’s digital banking services, mortgage products, personal loans, and small business banking products and services, Citi Cards’ credit card offers, and Citi Personal Wealth Management’s investment products and services. Deposit and Lending products are offered by Citibank, N.A. NMLS ID 412915 Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC.

Opening hours

M Closed, Tu-F 10am-5pm, Sa-Su Closed
Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Citi Finanical Spoofing more...
Ratings: 3
Search requests: 62
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!

Search statistics

Search statistics


Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 4242519089 7634159551 +393478432195 +393496132372 5054518492
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

Attention, 4242519332 has been rated negatively.

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tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls. Thousands of people are harassed by phone every day and tellows has been offering a platform for exchange and help since 2010.

tellows score for 4242519332

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
3 reports
Caller Name:
Citi Finanical Spoofing
2 reports
Imposters scam
1 reports
You are searching for details for 4242519332 that called you? tellows may help you with this. Look at the comments by other users and write comments yourself. 4 missed calls from +14242519332. Don't ...

Who calls with 4242519332?

  1. 0

    Kiley ND reported Citi Finanical Spoofing with the number ‎4242519332 as Harassment calls

    12/4/24, 5:26 AM

    4 missed calls from +14242519332. Don't know what they want.

  2. 0

    Ross JD reported Citi Finanical Spoofing with the number ‎4242519332 as Harassment calls

    12/3/24, 1:43 AM

    Seems this is a spoofing of Citi, not sure how or why they called me.

  3. 0

    Investigator FTC DNC Spamlist reported Imposters scam with the number ‎4242519332 as Harassment calls

    11/19/24, 7:17 AM via FTC Callerlist

    Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends received in Palisades Park, New Jersey.

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Leaving a rating about this number creates a caller 'profile' in our database, allowing other users to inform themselves on the nature of the call before they pick up the phone. This is a step along the path to making unwanted calls a thing of the past. If there are numerous entries for a specific number, we will try to trace the caller and check their legitimacy. Please note our Terms of Use!

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