(438) 935-9476 from Quebec 4387653430 / +14387653430

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: (438) 935-9476 more...
Ratings: 2
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (4/30/14, 4:01 PM)

Reenie wrote: Scam!! Grandma scam! Called and took my uncle for $2500 to get my brother/his nephew out if jail. ... all ratings

Details about this number

City: Quebec - USA, Canada
Telephone number: 438-7653430
Phone number +14387653430 from Quebec tagged as Harassment calls 2 times.

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tellows score for +14387653430

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
2 reports
Caller Name:
(438) 935-9476
1 reports
1 reports
Phone number +14387653430 from Quebec tagged as Harassment calls 2 times: Scam!!  Grandma scam!  Called and took m... 269 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 4387653430?

  1. 0

    Investigator Reenie reported (438) 935-9476 with the number ‎4387653430 as Harassment calls

    4/30/14, 4:01 PM

    Scam!! Grandma scam! Called and took my uncle for $2500 to get my brother/his nephew out if jail. Said he was an LAPD officer and in order that my brother could be released he would need the mine in a money pack card which my 80 year old uncle promptly did. The "cop" posing as my brother stated uh grandpa which was weird that our uncle didn't pick up on this but he is old and just wanted to help.

  2. 0

    Investigator Martha reported Scam with the number ‎4387653430 as Harassment calls

    8/27/13, 11:19 AM

    My poor old grandmother received a call from someone who said he was her grandson and that he was in jail in Richmond. He asked her for money that she was supposed to send immediately. I'm just glad it was late evening and she didn't feel safe enough to go out on her own, so she called me and that's how we found out about the scam. I've read and heard about these kind of stories in the news, but to have actually experienced it first hand is something else! I guess we're lucky my grandma got off with a scare...

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Most searched telephone numbers in 438 (Quebec)
Possible ways of writing the number 4387653430
‎0111/438 765 3430
‎(0111) (438) 765-3430