JGV from Brentwood 5164536886 / +15164536886

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: JGV more...
Ratings: 143
Search requests: 101067
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (9/5/19, 3:34 PM)

Amber wrote: Not sure, no one there.... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Brentwood - USA, Canada
Telephone number: 516453-6886
Phone number +15164536886 from Brentwood tagged as Harassment calls 18 times.

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Views last month: 8
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 8664950995 +14805240066 4028108994 9493175442 7873050612
Request trend:
Search requests are very high in a particular day (presumably Callcenter) and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +15164536886

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
48 reports
Harassment calls
18 reports
Cost trap
16 reports
16 reports
Aggressive advertising
2 reports
Debt collection company (2) Trustworthy number (2) Survey (1)
Caller Name:
58 reports
14 reports
6 reports
2 reports
Bogus Computer Fraud
1 reports
JGV? (1) cable company jvg (1) IT helpdesk (1) Sara from google (1) something tuition (1)
Jon/pcn (?) (1) SOFTWARE (1) Amazon.com (1) manhasset ny (1) MyCellPhone (1) PERDIKSI TOGEL GOIB (1) "Steve" with Windows IT dept (1) NY area unknown (1) jjvd (1) 5164536886 (1) Samson (1) JCV (1) Scammer (1) Unstated (1) New York Call (1) Caller id: M53015... (1) Junin (1) Spam Call (1) PREDIKSI TOGEL GOIB (1)
Phone number +15164536886 from Brentwood tagged as Harassment calls 18 times: Got a call this afternoon from a scumbag... 101067 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 5164536886?

  1. 21

    Will Not ScamMe reported Bogus Computer Fraud with the number ‎+15164536886 as Cost trap

    9/18/14, 4:42 PM

    Got a call this afternoon from a scumbag with Asian Indian name & accent. Asked if I was near my computer as his BOGUS BS FRAUD "Company" was sent message that MY computer was experiencing "Software Virus Issues".

    I have received MANY calls from this exact SCAM before and play along with them, telling the caller that I am inputting everything that they tell me to on my keyboard. I usually stretch it out for about 10 or so minutes by telling them that their instructions are resulting in error messages/windows until I am ready to LOWER THE BOOM!

    So finally, I say that I see a message on my screen and invariably the SCUMBAG asks what it is..... well, please feel free to use your imagination(s)...

    And then I tell the IDIOT that if I knew where he was, I would come to his location and rip his F***ING HEAD OFF and S**T down his BLOODY NECK HOLE. This usually FREAKS THEM OUT and they start to go off BUT.... I have the last laugh and get to HANG UP on THEM!

    The reason I do this is so that I am taking up their time and potentially helping some innocent lamb/elderly person from getting that call.... I know in the grand scheme it doesn't make much of a difference but, what the hell... ya gotta try.

    b to the rye replied 10/21/14, 5:58 PM
    you the man
    x-man replied 5/9/15, 7:30 PM
    unfortunately ...
    I'm unable to get any calls from him, and get to do this because my "Mr number " app hangs up on him ...
    Annoyed replied 6/5/15, 4:28 PM
    I simply don't answer if I don't recognize the number. If it is a real call, someone will leave a message.
    Ninji replied 8/5/15, 6:40 PM
    Thanks for the most excellent idea...I feel the same way if only I could shoot down the phone connect ion and squeeze his neck until his eyeballs pop out. They won't take NO for an answer and get very aggressive. Calls all hours of the day and night. I have the final say with a call block on my Panasonic phone. May the force be with us all.
    Tim replied 9/19/15, 10:02 PM
    That is hilarious, and sounds just like the things that I do.
    moxy replied 10/5/15, 1:45 PM
    Same thing for me, i played around with him until he hungup LOL
    Mean guy replied 12/9/15, 1:02 PM
    Right on !! Keep up the good work!!
    REY replied 12/21/15, 2:49 PM
    Mother Fucker keeps on calling. Poor guy, has nothing better to do than prank call people, he needs to get a life, must be a very fat, ugly guy that no one wants and this is the only way for him to keep occupied. LOLOLOLOLO LOSER!
    David replied 1/16/16, 3:28 PM
    I'm interested in getting phone calls. Thanks. Call me.
    hackback replied 2/18/16, 1:36 PM
    Best way to deal with these douchebags is to keep them on the line as long as possible. Frustrate them with galactic stupidity - which makes them think they are going to get you. Never let on your are toying with them. I had one on the line for 40 mins. just before he hung up he was paranoid schitzofrenic and screaming obscenities at me. Was telling me he would shut off my computer and erase my operating system. Chuckle. Made my day.
    Ryan K replied 3/27/17, 12:05 PM
    They just called my house number and caller ID showed JGV. I said hello 3 times and heard nothing at all on the other end.
    Tracey Bakhsiss replied 10/11/17, 7:13 PM
    My neighbor is that innocent person-early stages of Alzheimer's. She is being inundated with these calls and this is one of them. Please believe this means a lot. I'm working up a packet for her team to explain this hateful and harmful Behavior to her- hopefully comprehensively -so she can keep her phone. Ever so grateful dear
    Flyboy replied 10/12/17, 12:00 PM
    HAHA! I do the exact same thing but I will eventually tell them I have a picture on my screen. When they ask what the pic is I tell him it is a pic of his mom sucking my c@#k. They will go crazy trying to cuss me out until I blow a whistle into the phone several times. I love these calls!
    marshawellington replied 10/28/17, 5:44 PM
    My husband & I think it reduces stress on us & wastes their time! How dare they.
    catmom replied 3/28/19, 3:15 PM
    Ask them to cook u some Indian food, like Chicken Tikka Masala, & hand-deliver it, & then U will b willing 2 talk 2 them. Maybe that won't make them mad enuf 2 keep calling u again 4 revenge.
    eric replied 7/16/19, 5:16 PM
    You rock bro. Thanks

  2. 4

    Kelley reported unknown with the number ‎5164536886 as Telemarketer

    2/9/15, 4:38 PM

    Scam of course, so after the first couple calls of rude, aggressive crap, I begin: (guy has heavy Indian accent) I become a racist and start with racial slurs directly against HIM. After one more call and me doing the same thing, like answering the call, "hey towelheaded goat-frucker, how's it going?", guess what, he stopped calling. Direct assault on caller since that is what they are doing to us. The "Do Not Call List" is worthless. Attack them back, that is the only way to get them to stop calling. Good Luck all...

    pad replied 9/24/15, 8:31 PM
    uh, engaging or answering tells these scumbags that your number is legit. They will sell the # to other scammers and they will also call you non-stop.

    Stupid to engage them
    David replied 1/16/16, 3:29 PM
    I'm interested in getting phone calls. Thanks. Call me.
    twons replied 1/19/16, 6:00 PM
    See if your phone provider allows the nomorobo service, it's free and works quite well for my mother.

  3. 2

    Local Dude reported unknown with the number ‎5164536886 as Harassment calls

    12/18/15, 2:23 PM

    I answer them with Hello, and as soon as they speak I say, "This is the non-emergency number of the *inaudible* Police Department. If this is an emergency,please dial 911...then I put them on hold. One guy stayed on hold eight minutes!

  4. 1

    Upset reported JGV with the number ‎5164536886 as Harassment calls

    1/23/19, 12:46 PM

    He ask for me than hang up did say why he was call.

  5. 1

    Investigator Summerfire reported JGV with the number ‎+15164536886 as Harassment calls

    11/14/17, 8:09 PM

    Last 2 times they called he asked if I was Muslim. Next time I get a call from that number, I've got a tambourine laying by the phone. Gonna give that idiot an earful!!

    Concerned replied 11/28/17, 10:53 AM
    Has called my house twice says fraud alert on my phone we never answer if don't know the person h32ug

  6. 1

    Our government will not help reported unknown with the number ‎+15164536886 as Cost trap

    1/26/16, 4:18 PM

    I have reported this number to the Do Not Call center but our government is more interested in protecting and defending the criminals than in protecting and defending the victims. I blame more our institutionalized government than the actual criminals who make the calls.

  7. 1

    Investigator derby reported number ‎+15164536886 as Microsoft

    9/5/14, 4:17 PM

    I just receive a call from this number, the guy (indian) start telling me that some unauthorized connections were made from china to my company. I played the game, He gave me some instructions: Press Windows Key + R ... do you see run command.. bla bla... he ask me to run sentences NETSTAT, he was telling me that all my connections were unauthorized (lol).
    Then he ask me to go to: lmi1.com then... I stop him... so... be carefull...

    David replied 1/16/16, 3:30 PM
    I'm interested in getting phone calls. Thanks. Call me.
    vrcs replied 3/28/17, 12:08 PM
    Remember that he already has your number, can get your address and might be a crazy having a bad day. Better to not answer any unsolicited,unidentified, unrecognized calls. This wastes their time and money when a service for which they are paying is not successful. The DNC does work. It allows you to know any call coming through is in violation and can be assumed a scam. A legitimate caller will leave a message to which you can choose to respond and control. Be smarter than the crooks.
    Serg replied 10/10/18, 7:22 PM
    Do they ask for people by name

  8. 0

    Amber reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    9/5/19, 3:34 PM

    Not sure, no one there.

  9. 0

    butterfly reported number ‎+15164536886 as JGV

    7/29/19, 12:39 PM

    Endless calls from this caller, no matter what time of day or night. I never answer calls I do not know. It is getting ridiculous at the numbers that call my home. This one,however, is about to make me lose my mind. Glad I googled the number and read the comments

  10. 0

    Investigator FTC DNC Spamlist reported number ‎+15164536886 as Spam Call

    7/9/19, 5:35 AM via FTC Callerlist

    Call related to No Subject Provided received in Painesville, Ohio. Calling with recorded message (robocalls)

  11. 0

    DC reported number ‎+15164536886 as unknown

    7/5/19, 12:14 PM

    No answer. Keeps calling. Scam

  12. 0

    Female reported Junin with the number ‎5164536886 as Harassment calls

    3/8/19, 3:18 PM

    This call came in as 51 64 536886 with Junin as ID. I googled the name and number and both came up as being in/out of Peru. Did not answer and blocked the number.

  13. 0

    The number ‎5164536886 has been assigned to unknown

    2/4/19, 5:08 PM

    The guy said that I can receive some free kit through Medicare. I'm not old enough for medicare. Of course, I said take me off the list but also blocked the number

  14. 0

    JGV has been reported with number ‎+15164536886 as Harassment calls

    1/4/19, 10:55 AM

    stay away don't answer

  15. 0

    Bonnie J Hayward reported number ‎+15164536886 as JGV

    8/1/18, 7:46 AM

    Numbers I don't know I don't answer, I get them all day. I have been scammed before. I also check on the numbers now.

  16. 0

    Johny reported unknown with the number ‎5164536886 as Survey

    7/4/18, 11:13 AM

    Claimed he was calling because one of us was on medicare and reported back and knee pain. Neither of us are.

    Chuckie replied 7/10/18, 11:28 AM
    Got the same type of call, but he read off our address and my husband's Medicare number. He refused to tell me how he got it. Really frightening to know he has that info, and I had to put a freeze on any credit inquiries in my husband's name. Calling Medicare today.
    Dumbchuck replied 8/29/18, 9:06 AM
    Chucky, you're over reacting. They got your Medicare info because someone sold it to them. That doesn't really have anything to do with your credit cards. Anyone can get that info. But that doesn't give them access to your social or your accounts unless you give them that info. Don't freak out, it's not that scary. Scary is how Facebook records every call and text you ever made. Some dumb ass trying to scam you is just laughable as long as you don't fall for it.

  17. 0

    My name reported number ‎5164536886 as Caller id: M53015...

    5/30/18, 3:35 PM

    Answered call. Could hear boiler-room of people at phone banks. I said hello, no answer. Said it again, only louder.Young male asks if this is Mr. [my last name]?

    I hung up and entered said number into my call blocker list. Thank you, have a nice day.

  18. 0

    AVD reported New York Call with the number ‎+15164536886 as Harassment calls

    3/15/18, 9:21 PM

    I answered the phone, Hello, the male caller said this call is about your computer , I said take this number off of your calling list , I'm on the do not call registry, and hung up, the 2nd time this number called.

    Lolman replied 8/29/18, 9:03 AM
    Yeah because scammers really care about the DNC. Lol . You're the type of person that gets scammed easily.

  19. 0

    MadAsHell reported unknown with the number ‎+15164536886 as Telemarketer

    3/14/18, 6:21 PM

    Caller ID: JGV. Calls and does not leave message.

  20. 0

    Jack FreakinWagon reported unknown with the number ‎5164536886 as Harassment calls

    1/30/18, 2:02 PM

    F'ing AHOLE Robot called 12 times in past couple weeks. WTF, seriously? When the HELL is the damn FCC going to stop the freakin robo-calls????

  21. 0

    KittyG reported unknown with the number ‎+15164536886 as Telemarketer

    1/22/18, 10:45 AM

    No caller ID, called my landline. When I answered, heavily accented female voice asked if I was [my married name] - instead of responding to that, I asked who was calling - they said something about "pain management" - I just laughed at her and told her to not call again, that there was no pain here. And I blocked the number - next time they call they'll get "out of service" message. Scumbag thieves.

  22. 0

    jonandcha reported JGV with the number ‎+15164536886 as Telemarketer

    12/20/17, 5:52 PM

    any caller who doesn't leave any kind of a msg. is clearly selling something. That's this caller. Called twice today - when I called back of course the line is busy.....how do I get rid of these people???

  23. 0

    JOS reported unknown with the number ‎+15164536886 as Telemarketer

    12/20/17, 2:14 PM

    When you get any kind of unsolicited calls (robo generated or not) and you get a live person from the caller, when they greet you or ask you a question you just respond "What do you lying cork soakers want to scam me out of today?" If they respond or not just keep repeating your opening phrase over and over and over whatever they say or try to respond with. Do this until THEY hang up. If we all respond like this to all unsolicited and illegal calls they will soon get the message. I do this with all unsolicited illegal calls whether if is from Microsoft about computer errors, the IRS or someone wanting to sell back braces or "Rachel" from credit card services. I am on the DO NOT CALL list so that makes them fair game Try it!

  24. 0

    Joe reported Unstated with the number ‎+15164536886 as Telemarketer

    8/29/17, 3:46 PM

    Calls daily. Never leaves a message.

  25. 0

    melbournegirl reported number ‎+15164536886 as unknown

    7/21/17, 1:29 AM

    +51 64 536886 called saying he was from australian solar and the government had some really great rebates for customers.
    Didnt' want to talk after I asked if the owner should get this call instead of a renter..

  26. 0

    Anon reported Scammer with the number ‎+15164536886 as Harassment calls

    5/29/17, 4:07 PM

    Scammer in Spanish with an attitude, claiming to be from Walgreen's.

  27. 0

    Missed this call reported JCV with the number ‎+15164536886 as Cost trap

    5/18/17, 3:58 PM

    Missed the call when it came in. Will avoid this number & if it calls again will block. Thanks all for your reporting on this scam.

  28. 0

    SalMac reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    4/19/17, 8:01 PM

    calls my house at 6am Pacific time - the dimwit does not understand time zones. I have picked up the phone and said nothing, and then the caller hangs up.

  29. 0

    jim reported number ‎+15164536886 as unknown

    4/10/17, 11:30 AM

    Repeated calls from 516-453-6886. Must be masking number, because I already blocked this number. Undoubtedly Scammer.

  30. 0

    Robin reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    4/5/17, 9:10 PM

    Someone called my mom saying they were her grandson and needing money to get out of jail. They wanted $2000. He said his name was Mike luckily she caught it as a scam cause she doesn't have a grandson named Mike.

  31. 0

    Pete reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    3/23/17, 10:52 AM

    Called, shuffled some papers, and I hung up.

  32. 0

    Angry reported Samson with the number ‎+15164536886 as Aggressive advertising

    1/23/17, 2:15 PM

    Received a call a few min ago about a "lower interest rate" on credit cards. I connected to a person and asked to be removed from the marketing list and Samson stated he was not selling anything. I asked him to remove my number from his list. He would not comply. He kept trying to hit on me and said he would call me everyday. Creepy.

  33. 0

    Revenge reported number ‎+15164536886 as unknown

    12/20/16, 9:37 AM

    Several calls, no message scammers

    When I answer and play along I cannot get my computer to respond, therefore baiting them

    They ask to find the Microsoft Flag, and I cannot locate it ...Due to bad eyes, computer "viruses" etc..Make up your own excuse

    At the end of my reversal efforts....I ask them if the flag is hiding behind the APPLE logo

    Wastes their time etc

    Merry Christmas to all

  34. 0

    Deb reported JGV with the number ‎5164536886 as Cost trap

    9/9/16, 7:46 AM

    As most have said middle eastern sounding but if someone is good they can fake it. Anyway, the same scam with the computer, you need to sign in to the computer bit. They called the wrong house, just like the night the "IRS call did". By the time I was done with "asking" them questions, asking for badge numbers, asking for supervisor numbers, and badge numbers, well you get the point. THEY hung up on me. Know your legal it is more fun to watch them stammer.

  35. 0

    hatesphoneycalls reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    7/15/16, 5:12 PM

    Caller had what sounded like a middle eastern accent; claimed to be from some "Windows support" and that my computer was "sending error messages" and he would help me fix my computer! (Yeah, right!) Proceeded to try to get me to open the Windows Run box and type in some stuff... "I can help you fix your computer..."
    I asked how it was that my phone number was (supposedly) connected to my computer & how he got that number? (I didn't mention that I use WiFi and that my WiFi has nothing to do with my cell#)
    I refused to type in the things he said and told him I was NOT going to give him access to my computer. He claimed he wasn't trying to access my computer but was trying to help me "fix the errors..." (Whatever, dude! Still not going to type in that stuff... Not going to give a complete stranger, especially one who randomly called me, access or my trust!)
    He gave me a call back phone number of 888-502-2596. I'm betting that is another bogus phone number (there are some reports on that number as not legitimate -- and that "888-502" does not exist as a legitimate combination!

  36. 0

    Maude reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    7/13/16, 1:10 PM

    Did not answer. If they know me or who they are calling they will leave a message. They never do.

  37. 0

    MADASHELL reported unknown with the number ‎5164536886 as Debt collection company

    4/19/16, 7:11 PM

    I get harrassing phone calls everyday at work, cell and home phone. I'm so tired of it....They really get mad when I don't confirm my personal info.I am so damn tired of the call!!!

  38. 0

    richard gozinyah reported number ‎5164536886 as unknown

    2/20/16, 3:49 PM

    Did some digging and this number is some how associated with N.A.M.B.L.A.
    Probably a scam fund drive so they can fund candidate (s) of their choice.

  39. 0

    SickOfFuckBags reported 5164536886 with the number ‎5164536886 as Debt collection company

    1/8/16, 2:35 PM

    I have never owned a CC and so you telling me you can reduce my CC intrest is amusing.... That being said, I seriously hope each person working for your company gets meningococcus and dies slowly and alone. But don't you worry while we wait for this to happen, i openned a new FB group where everytime anyone is having a bad day they will call your number and curse at you until they feel better! Thank you for this oportunity there are few people that can recieve this sort of abuse that won't cause a quark of empathy... glady you are one of them. Enjoy all the Voice Mails you shit-eatin dog fuckers. Talk to you soon!

  40. 0

    Investigator Calmommy reported number ‎+15164536886 as JGV

    1/6/16, 1:10 AM

    I have been receiving calls everyday from the number 516.453.6886 since 12/30/15. I have not answered their calls. Today 1/5/16,an American sounding man left a message telling me that they didnt appreciate all MY calls because they were in Spanish and they couldnt understand them. He asked me to take their number off my call list.
    I havent called them once. Do you think they want me to take the bait? I'm tempted to call them just to hear what they have to say. Not sure its worth the effort.

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Often reported phone numbers with the same root number +1516453688
On tellows 7 numbers with the same base have been reported. These have received a total of 8 ratings and 124 search requests. The average tellows score is 6. The number most likely belongs to a call center with several number extensions.
Possible ways of writing the number 5164536886
‎0111/516 453 6886
‎(0111) (516) 453-6886